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Know the search engine ranking of your competitors’

Track your keywords to see how competitors stack up against you, the keywords they are strongest at, and keywords ripe for the taking.

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Competito monitors your keywords & alerts you to any movement
Why track
Measure to improve

It’s important to measure your keyword performance before, during and after any changes you make. You may make changes that actually harm your keyword performance which will result in a loss of traffic.

In addition to this, your competitors are also competing for these terms. Search engines rank your page by various factors, from speed, content quality and even relevance. You need to know how you stack up against your competitors’ to ensure your content ranks better against this.

By measuring you can make more informed decisions on your content strategy to beat what your competitors are doing, or identify white-space you can target.

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Why track
Find untargeted keywords

Identify keywords that your competitors perform weak on so that you can get some easy wins to increase your organic traffic.

Using Competito, you will see how well your competitors are ranking for keywords that are important to you and be able to compare your organic search performance against your competitors.

Why track
Keyword suggestions

Identifying keywords that you are not targeting is an important utility that Competito provides. Analysing the content on yours and your competitors websites allow us to learn more about your users intents, allowing us to provide tailored recommendations for search terms to target.

Why track
Alerted to new competitors’

How do you currently identify new competitors’ in your market? Hopefully, this isn’t direct from customers you demo to.

Learning late about new competitors may cause you to lose customers or struggle to regain the traction you once had.

It’s important to know about competitors as early as possible to allow you to study what’s good and bad about them, and build a strategy to ensure you stay ahead.

Competito will alert you to any new competitors we detect trying to rank for one of yours or your competitors keywords.

Why track
Identify competitors’ strategy

Studying what your competitors search keywords are and how strongly they rank can be a key indicator as to what they are focusing on. The keywords they’re ranking highly for that also have dedicated landing pages is clearly important in your competitors marketing strategy.

Tracking all these keywords over time can show you how they are getting stronger or weaker for specific terms. Combine this intelligence with our website changes functionality and it’ll be clear to see their marketing strategy online.

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